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Tuesday 7 June 2016

New Domestic Violence Law Offenders Could Be Punished With Up To Five Years In Jail

The new domestic violence law that could see perpetrators jailed for up to 5 years came into force in December 2015.  This law states, amongst other things, that partners who cause severe psychological harm through controlling behavior can be jailed for up to 5 years.

According to Curry Popeck, solicitors in Harrow, “Emotional abuse is not publicised as much as physical abuse, but it can be just as damaging to a person's health and overall well-being. It limits victims’ basic human rights, such as their freedom of movement and independence and therefore, the new domestic law is a welcome move towards deterring such behaviours in relationships.”

The new legislation will enable the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) to bring charges where there is evidence of repeated, psychological abuse within an intimate or family relationship.

According to the CPS, psychological abuse can include humiliation and intimidation, a pattern of threats, or stopping a partner from socialising, monitoring someone’s social media accounts, surveillance through apps or dictating what they wear.

Under Section 76 of the Serious Crime Act 2015, controlling or coercive behaviour is defined as causing someone to fear that violence will be used against them on or generating distress alarm that has a substantial effect on their usual day-to-day .

Curry Popeck, London solicitors, say that due to the gaps in the earlier domestic violence law, perpetrators of domestic violence could psychologically abuse their victims without criminal consequences. This encouraged the perpetrators to continue their abusive behaviour and left victims without the sufficient criminal justice safeguards to protect them.

The new change in law will lead to agencies being able to intervene before it’s too late and possibly save lives too. However, it is vital that the new law is coupled with increased awareness among the public, and comprehensive professional training for all agencies that deal with domestic abuse. Apart from that it is also important for the frontline police officers to truly understand coercive control and the impact it has on victims.
The government should also ensure that the victims of abuse receive all the support they need, including legal aid.

Curry Popeck, Harrow solicitors , hail the new law as an important step forward in protecting victims of domestic abuse and helping them find a way out, but wider awareness across the public and the agencies dealing with victims would make an even bigger difference in tackling domestic abuse.
If you have any questions regarding the issues raised in this article, contact Curry Popeck Solicitors at-

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